Company Overview
We will lead the global
economy by navigating across
the five oceans and six continents.
As a global shipping company representing Korea, Pan Ocean has been gaining a worldwide reputation and winning trust not only in the bulk carrier service, its flagship business, but also in containerships, tankers, LNG carriers and heavy lift vessels.
Also, in the field of Agri-Trading & Logistics business, we started to sell and distribute grains to South Korea, China and South-East Asia by operating an Agri-Trading sector, focusing on securing a worldwide sales network.
We are also making concerted efforts to create new business opportunities by capitalizing on accumulated competitive edge in the fleet and operation efficiency and business networks spanning the globe.
Now, we are taking greater steps forward to create a better future. With challenging spirit and passion, we will grow together with customers and eventually evolve into a global leading shipping and logistics company.
Global panocean numbers As of the end of 2024: Onshore 422 persons, offshore 2,612 persons
(including foreign crew)
KRW 5,161 billion -
No. of employees
3,043 persons
global leading
shipping & logistics company
Providing the Highest Quality Bulker Services Recognized Worldwide

Pan Ocean provides world-class bulker services to major shippers at home and abroad through maritime transportation experience accumulated over the past half century and competitive fleet operation.
Our services that safety and accurately transport dry bulk cargoes such as iron ore, coal, steel, minerals, and grain, which are the foundation of global economic growth, through worldwide routes deliver high trust and satisfaction to our customers.
Based on these capabilities, we are strengthening partnerships with global major shippers such as world-class steel companies, power plants, resource development and raw material companies, thereby leading the paradigm in the bulker service business.

Creating Higher Value through Optimized Fleet and Operational Efficiency

Pan Ocean provides a wide range of transportation services for container cargo, various petroleum and chemical products, LNG, wood pulp, and project cargo as well as dry bulk cargo which is flagship business.
We are proactive in responding to customer needs by operating an optimized fleet ranging from small vessels to state-of-the-art gas carriers and VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carrier) and continuously expanding service routes.
Pan Ocean will leapfrog into a global leading shipping and logistics company by creating higher value and trust through sophisticated and advanced shipping services.
Developing New Business Opportunities for a Greater Future

To lay the foundation for sustainable growth and generate stable profits, Pan Ocean is proactive in developing new business opportunities.
The agri trading & logistics business will allow Pan Ocean to present new corporate value by combining our shipping experience and the parent company Harim Group’s demand for stable grain supply.
The LNG bunkering business and small LNG carrier service are also steadily expanding based on trust relationship with global oil majors. On top of that, we are endeavoring to secure new vessels, expand CVCs, and promote business diversification to prepare for a greater future.

CI Guide
How to use our CI correctly.
Word Mark
Word Mark Grid System

Minimum Size Guide

CI Guide
Color system
Pantone 180C
Process C0 M100 Y80 K0
R237 G26 B59 -
Pantone 294C
Process C100 M70 Y0 K20
R0 G74 B143
pan dark blue
Pantone 281C
C100 M70 Y0 K35
R0 G31 B123 -
pan gray
Pantone 428C
C0 M70 Y0 K25
R199 G200 B202 -
pan gold
Pantone 873C
pan silver
Pantone 877C
pan black
Pantone black 6C
C0 M70 Y0 K100
R35 G31 B32
Incorrect Usage
The color should not be changed.
The angle and gradient should not be changed.
The word mark should not be stretched or condensed.
The word mark should not be distorted.
The word mark should not be proportioned differently.
The signature should not be repositioned
The word mark should not be placed on a complicated patterned backdrop.
The word mark should not be place on a background with insufficient contrast.