CEO Message
CEO Message
Emerging as a global leader in
the shipping and logistics market

We are committed to leading the global shipping
and logistics business through future-oriented
changes and innovation.
Pan Ocean has established its unequaled position in the dry bulk shipping service of iron ore, coal, grain, fertilizer, wood, and steel since its foundation in 1966. Moreover, the company has also demonstrated global competitiveness in the value-added services through containerships, tankers, gas carriers, and heavy lift vessels based on accumulated capabilities.
Pan Ocean aims to become a global leading shipping and logistics company. To this end, we are focusing not only on efficient fleet operation to meet diverse demands for high-quality shipping service but also on business portfolio expansion through developing future growth engines including the agri-trading business by capitalizing on expertise and know-how acquired over than half a century.
We are committed to providing world’s top-class shipping and logistics service by reinforcing fleet competitiveness, expanding IT-based smart transportation, ensuring response ability to changes in external environment, and enhancing organizational competitiveness for preemptive risk management based on sound financial structure. Moreover, we will strengthen ESG management by fulfilling our social responsibility as a global corporate citizen, establishing an advanced corporate culture, complying with business ethics, and preemptively responding to global environmental regulations, thereby solidifying the foundation for sustainable growth and co-prosperity with all stakeholders.
By faithfully carrying out these plans, Pan Ocean will grow into a global leading shipping and logistics company that provides the best expertise and differentiated services and value to customers around the world. We look forward to your continued support and encouragement.