Pan Ocean will solidify its position as a global leading shipping and logistics company
by enhancing corporate and shareholder value based on transparent management.


Materiality Assessment

We conducted a materiality assessment to identify important sustainability issues.

We will conduct annual materiality assessments to replace, remove, and/or add issues. The process and results of the materiality assessment will be disclosed in our annual ESG reports in a transparent manner.

Materiality Assessment Process

  • ESG Issue Pooling

    We analyzed global economic, social, and environmental issues, as well as international standards and evaluation metrics, to understand the economic, environmental, and social impacts of Pan Ocean’s business activities.
    This analysis identified 31 key sustainability issues.

  • Materiality Analysis of Issues

    To prioritize these 31 issues based on materiality, we used various evaluation methods, including industry benchmarking, media research and analysis of ESG inquiries from investment institutions. The results of these evaluations were then quantified.

    Financial Materiality
    International Financial Recommendations and ESG Evaluation Indicators Analysis of finance-related international recommendations and ESG evaluation indicators, including KCGS, DJSI, SASB and IFRS
    ESG Inquiries from Investment Institutions Collection and analysis of requested information from the capital market
    Surveys of Employees and Investors Analysis of key issues from a financial perspective
    Impact Materiality
    International Initiatives and Guidelines Analysis of international initiatives and guidelines, including GRI and ESRS
    Media Research Analysis of major news articles in 2023
    Industry Benchmarking Analysis of issues reported in sustainability reports from similar industries
    External Stakeholder Surveys Analysis of key issues from the perspective of external impacts
  • Measurement of Issue Impact

    We conducted a stakeholder survey using the concept of double materiality to identify key issues from a financial perspective and those affecting external stakeholders. To determine the significance of external impacts (impact materiality), we quantified each issue's likelihood, severity and scope, and incorporated these factors into the overall impact scores.

    Summary of the Pan Ocean Stakeholder Survey
    Period February 21, 2024 ~ February 28, 2024
    Method Online survey
    Participants Pan Ocean/POS SM employees1) and external stakeholders2)
    • 1) Employees and executives (including board members)
    • 2) External stakeholders: Customers, suppliers, local communities/NGOs, government/agencies, academic/research institutions, media organizations, ESG evaluation agencies, consulting/advisory firms, shareholders/investors
  • Selection and Validation of Key Issues

    Through the materiality assessment, we identified four key issues and five general issues by considering both financial and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) impacts. For each key issue identified, we disclose the management approach, implementation performance and mid- to longterm performance targets. The report comprehensively reflects these key issues and the materiality assessment process and reporting accuracy have been verified.

  • Board Reporting and Strategic Integration

    The key issues identified were reported to the ESG Committee within the board of directors, and these issues were taken into account when developing the company-wide risk management strategies.

Application Method of Double Materiality

  1. ESG Issue Investigation
    ESG Disclosure Index

    Investigation of domestic and international ESG disclosure standards and guidelines

    • - GRI, IFRS, ESRS, etc.
    ESG Evaluation Index

    Investigation of requests and evaluation criteria from domestic and international ESG evaluation agencies

    • - KCGS, SASB, MSCI, DJSI, Sustainalytics etc.
  2. Materiality Assessment
    Financial Materiality
    Inward Importance

    Issues that Pan Ocean needs to manage with priority for financial stability and business creation

    • - Finance-related international recommendations and ESG evaluation indexes
    • - ESG inquiries from investment institutions
    • - Employee surveys
    Social and Environmental Materiality
    Outward Importance

    Issues that Pan Ocean needs to manage importantly for external impact management

    • - International initiatives and guidelines
    • - Media research
    • - Benchmarking of similar industries
    • - External stakeholder surveys
  3. Impact Measurement
    Pan Ocean Impacts
    Inward Impact

    Consideration of potential impacts on Pan Ocean’s finance and business

    Identification of business areas causing social and environmental impacts

    Stakeholder Impacts
    Outward Impact

    Measurement of the likelihood that important issues will affect stakeholders(probability of occurrence)

    Measurement of the magnitude of the impact of important issues on stakeholders (severity)

    Identification of key stakeholders likely to be affected by significant issues (impact range)

  4. Identification of Key Issues
    Top 4 Key Issues

    #1. Greenhouse Gas and Energy Management

    #2. Enhancement of Safety and Health Management

    #3. Establishment of Ethics and Compliance Management

    #4. Collaborative Growth Activities and Supply Chain Sustainability Management

Materiality Assessment Results

Based on the results of the materiality assessment, we selected top nine priorities as the material topics to report. This report contains details on our management activities and responses for each of the topics.

Materiality Assessment Matrix
No. Financially Materiality Impact Materiality
1 EGreenhouse Gas and Energy Management EGreenhouse Gas and Energy Management
2 SEnhancement of Safety and Health Management SCollaborative Growth Activities and Supply Chain Sustainability Management
3 GEstablishment of Ethics and Compliance Management GEnhancement of Safety and Health Management
4 EManagement of Environmental Pollutants
(Including Spill Risks)
EEstablishment of Ethics and Compliance Management
5 EClimate Change Response EEstablishment of a Human Rights Management System
6 SEstablishment of a Human Rights Management System SClimate Change Response
7 EStrengthening of Environmental Management Systems EInvestment in Eco-Friendly Vessels
8 SRespect for Diversity and Prohibition of Discrimination SSecuring of New Growth Drivers
Management of Key Issues
  Issue Stakeholder Inward/Outward Impact Page
Financial Social·Environmental Likelihood Type
E Greenhouse Gas and Energy Management Environment, Local Communities Actual Positive 24-32, 90
S Enhancement of Safety and Health Management Suppliers, Customers Actual Positive 44-51, 98, 100
G Establishment of Ethics and Compliance Management Suppliers, Customers   Actual Positive 75-80, 103-104
S Collaborative Growth Activities and Supply Chain Sustainability Management Suppliers, Customers   Actual Positive 52-53, 101
E Climate Change Response Environment, Customers Actual Positive 24-32, 90
S Establishment of a Human Rights Management System Suppliers, Customers Actual Positive 54-57, 98
E Management of Environmental Pollutants
(Including Spill Risks)
Environment, Local Communities   Actual Positive 40-42, 92-93
E Investment in Eco-Friendly Vessels Environment, Suppliers   Actual Positive 37-39, 93-94
S Respect for Diversity and Prohibition of Discrimination Suppliers, Local Communities, Customers   Potential Complex 58-65, 95-97, 99, 101

* In scoring the results of the materiality assessment, we set thresholds for both financial and social/environmental materiality, and then classify issues as ● High or ○ Low based on the scores.